Publications de 2024

Articles scientifiques

 Leclerc Q, Duval A, Guillemot D, Opatowski L, Temime L. Using contact network dynamics to implement efficient interventions against pathogen spread in hospital settings. PLoS Medicine. 2024 In press

► Moutet L, Bigo A, Quirion P, Temime L and Jean K. Different pathways toward net-zero emissions imply diverging health impacts: a health impact assessment study for France. Environmental Research: Health. 2024 In press

► Leclerc Q, Duval A, Guillemot D, Opatowski L, Temime L. Using contact network dynamics to implement efficient interventions against pathogen spread in hospital settings. PLoS Medicine. 2024 In press

► Jean K, Temime L.The Olympics in the Anthropocene era: What are the health risks? Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement. Volume 85, Issue 4, August 2024, 102763

► Smith DRM, Duval A, Grant R, Abbas M, Harbarth S, Opatowski L, Temime L. Predicting consequences of COVID-19 control measure de-escalation on nosocomial transmission and mortality: a modelling study in a French rehabilitation hospital. Journal of Hospital Infection 2024 In press. Projet  MOD-COV 

► Shirreff G, Huynh BT, Duval A, Pereira LC, Annane D, Dinh A, Lambotte O, Bulifon S, Guichardon M, Beaune S, Toubiana J, Kermovant-Duchemin E, Chéron G, Cordel H, Argaud L, Douplat M, Abraham P, Tazarourte K, Martin-Gaujard G, Vanhems P, Hilliquin D, Nguyen D, Chelius G, Fraboulet A, Temime L, Opatowski L, Guillemot D. Assessing respiratory epidemic potential in French hospitals through collection of close contact data (April-June 2020). Scientific Reports. 2023 In press. Projet MOD-COV + Projet SPHINx

► Henriot P, Buelow E, Petit F, Ploy MC, Dagot C , Opatowski L. Modeling the impact of urban and hospital eco-exposomes on antibiotic-resistance dynamics in wastewatersScience of The Total Environment. Volume 924,10 May 2024, 171643. Hors projets

► Kovacevic A, Smith DRM, Rahbé E, Novelli S, Henriot P, Temime L, Opatowski L. Revealing the drivers of antibiotic resistance trends in Streptococcus pneumoniae amidst the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from mathematical modeling. eLife. 2024 In press. Projet CovidRes

 Henriot P, Anwar W, El Gaafary M, Abdo S, Rafik M, Hussein W, Sos D, Magdy I, Jean K, Temime L. Preventing iatrogenic HCV infection: A quantitative risk assessment based on observational data in an Egyptian hospital. PLOS Global Public Health. 2024 Feb 15;4(2):e0002821. Projet IMMHoTHep

 Schwarz E, Leroutier M, Nazelle AD, Quirion P, Jean K. The untapped health and climate potential of cycling in France: a national assessment from individual travel data. Lancet Reg Health – Europe. 2024, 100874, ISSN 2666-7762. Projet Philoctet

Communications dans des conférences internationales

Conférences invitées

► Jean K, Agir sur les comportements individuels. Journée d'étude - Éthique, Santé, Climat : penser les responsabilités. (16 janvier 2024)