Publications de 2019

Articles scientifiques

► Duchemin T, Bar-Hen A, Lounissi R, Dab W, Hocine MN. Response to "Predictors of Long-Term Sick Leave In The Workplace" (Letters to the editor). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2019 Dec; 61(12):e533. Projet Absence

► Garsi JP, Cousin-Renie MA, Godon AS, Dab W. Efficacité des objets et applications connectés dans le domaine de la santé et de la sécurité au travail : revue de la littérature. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2019 Nov-Dec ; 18(6). Projet Objets Connectés

► Duval A., Smith D., Guillemot D., Opatowski L., Temime L. (2019) CTCmodeler : An Agent-Based Framework to Simulate Pathogen Transmission Along an Inter-individual Contact Network in a Hospital. In : Rodrigues J. et al. (eds) Computational ScienceICCS 2019.

Gaythorpe KAM, Jean K, Cibrelus L, Perea W, Garske T. Quantifying model evidence for yellow fever transmission route in Africa. PLOS Computational Biology. 2019 Sept; 15(9):e1007355. Projet Fièvre Jaune

► Smith DRM, Pouwels KB, Hopkins S, Naylor NR, Smieszek T, Robotham JV. Epidemiology and health-economic burden of urinary-catheter-associated infection in English NHS hospitals: a probabilistic modelling study. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2019 Sept; 103(1):44-54. Hors projets

► Duchemin T, Bar-Hen A, Lounissi R, Dab W, Hocine MN. Hierarchizing Determinants of Sick Leave: Insights From a Survey on Health and Well-being at the Workplace. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2019 Aug; 61(8):e340-e347. Projet Absence

Coriati A, Sykes J, Nkam L, Hocine MN, Burgel PR, Stephenson AL. Validation of the French 3-year prognostic score using the Canadian CF registry. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2019 May; 18(3):396-398. Projet MUCOPRED

► Duval A, Obadia T, Boëlle PY, Fleury E, Herrmann JL, Guillemot D, Temime L, Opatowski L, i-Bird Study group. Close proximity interactions support transmission of ESBL-K. pneumoniae but not ESBL-E. coli in healthcare settings. PLoS Computational Biology. 2019 May ;15(5):e1006496. Projet SPHINx

Hamlet A, Jean K, Pereira W, Yactayo S, Ronveaux O, Benzler J, Cibrelus L, Ferguson NM, Garske T. POLICI: A web application for visualising and extracting yellow fever vaccination coverage in Africa. Vaccine. 2019 March ; 37(11): 1384-1388. Projet Fièvre Jaune

► Jean K, Wymant. Airborne in the era of climate change. Science. 2019 Jan ; 363(6424):240. Hors projets

Communications dans des conférences internationales

7th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics

 Bastard J, Andraud M, Chauvin C, Glaser P, Opatowski L, Temime L. A modelling study of Livestock-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in French pig farms. EPIDEMICS7 7th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, December 3-6 2019, Charleston, USA. Poster

♦ Bastard J, Gay E, Madec JY, Haenni M, Temime L, Opatowski L. Temporal relationship between antimicrobial use and resistance in livestock: Bayesian analysis of a longitudinal study in French calves farms. EPIDEMICS7 – 7th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, December 3-6 2019, Charleston, USAPoster

♦ Smith DRM, Temime L, Opatowski L. Multispecies interactions as drivers of antimicrobial resistance dynamics: a mathematical modelling study. Epidemics7 - 7th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. December 3-6 2019. Charleston, USA. Poster.

 20th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa

♦ Ante-Testard PA, Benmarhnia T, Bekelynck A, Baggaley RC, Ouattara E, Temime L, Jean K. Time trends in socio-economic inequalities in HIV testing: insights from population-based surveys in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. ICASA 20 - 20th ICASA International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa. December 2-7, 2019. Kigali, Rwanda. Poster   

 Journées scientifiques de l’ANRS

♦ Ante-Testard PA, Benmarhnia T, Bekelynck A, Baggaley R, Ouattara E, Temime L, Jean K. Time trends in socio-economic inequalities in HIV testing : insights from population-based surveys in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Journées Scientifiques de l’ANRS. November 25-26, 2019. Paris, France. Poster

Work, Stress and Health Conference of the American Psychological Association 

♦ Daouda OS, Chevance A, Salvador A, Légeron P, Morvan Y, Saporta G, Hocine MN, Gaillard R. Impact of work-related psychosocial risk factors on mental health : a cross sectional study of the French working population. Work, Stress and Health Conference of the American Psychological Association. November 6-9, 2019. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. USA. Oral

 7ème édition Université des Jeunes Chercheurs - SIDACTION 

♦ Ante-Testard PA, Benmarhnia T, Bekelynck A, Baggaley RC, Ouattara E, Temime L, Jean K. Time trends in socio-economic inequalities in HIV testing: insights from population-based surveys in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Université des Jeunes Chercheurs - UJC 2019. November 2-8, 2019. Carry-le-Rouet, France. Poster

 XLth Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics

♦ Daouda OS, Chevance A, Gaillard R, Temime L, Saporta G, Hocine MN. How to prioritize work-related psychosocial factors impacting mental health? Regression and random forest approaches. ISCB40 - XLth Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics. July 14-18, 2019, Leuven, BelgiumPoster

Mtheamatical Models in Ecology and Evolution

♦ Smith DRM, Temime L, Opatowski L. Multispecies Interactions as Drivers of Antimicrobial Resistance Dynamics. Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution. July 16-19, 2019. Lyon, FrancePoster

A Modeling Conference - SPHINx19

♦ Smith DRM, Temime L, Opatowski L. Multispecies interactions as drivers of antimicrobial resistance dynamics. Spread of Pathogens in Healthcare Institutions and Networks. A Modeling Conference-SPHINx19. June 24-26, 2019, Paris, FranceOral

♦ Duval A, Obadia T, Boëlle P-Y, Fleury E, Herrmann J-L, Guillemot D, Temime L, Opatowski L. Between human proximity networks support ESBL producing K. pneumoniae but not E. coli. A Modeling Conference -SPHINx19. June 24-26, 2019, Paris, FranceOral

♦ Duval A, Smith D, Guillemot D, Opatowski L, Temime L. Spread of Pathogens in Healthcare Institutions and Networks. A Modeling Conference -SPHINx19. June 24-26, 2019, Paris, FranceOral

 19th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society 

♦ Duchemin T, Hocine MN. Matching of Two Anonymous Data Sets for Zero-Inflated Poisson Modeling. ASMDA19 -19th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International SocietyJune 11-14, 2019. Florence, Italie. Oral

 International Conference on Computational Science 

♦ Duval A, Smith D, Guillemot D, Opatowski L, Temime L. CTCmodeler: An Agent-Based Framework to Simulate Pathogen Transmission Along an Inter-individual Contact Network in a Hospital. ICCS2019 - International Conference on Computational Science. June 11-14, 2019. Faro, Portugal. Oral

13ème Conférence Francophone d’Epidémiologie Clinique et les 26èmes Journées des statisticiens des Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer

♦ Daouda OS, Chevance A, Légeron P, Saporta G, Gaillard R, Hocine MN. Impact des facteurs de risque psychosociaux liés au travail sur la santé mentale: Etude transversale sur la population active Française. 13eme conférence Francophone d’Epidémiologie Clinique (EPICLIN) et les 26eme journées des statisticiens des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer - CLCC May 15-17, 2019, Toulouse, France. Poster

Preventica le congrès 2019

♦ Duchemin T, Hocine M. Comment analyser les données d’absentéisme pour mieux le comprendre et le maitriser ? Preventica le congrès2019. May 21-23, 2019. Paris, France. Oral

8èmes rencontre des jeunes statisticien-ne-s

♦ Daouda OS, Chevance A, Légeron P, Gaillard R, Saporta G, Hocine MN. Hiérarchisation des facteurs de risques psychosociaux: comparaison de deux métriques. 8èmes rencontre des jeunes statisticien-ne-s.  April 1-5, 2019. Porquerolles, FranceOral

XXXIIème Congrès National Émois

♦ Grave C, Boucheron P, Rudant J, Mikaeloff Y, Tubert-Bitter P, Escolano S, Hocine MN, Coste J, Weill A. Vaccination antigrippale et risque de syndrome de Guillain-Barré : étude par la méthode d’analyse des séries de cas à partir des données du Système national des données de santé (2010-2014). XXXIIème Congrès National Émois. March 15, 2019. NancyFrance. Oral


Conférences invitées

► Dab W. ISO 45001: a worker-centered management system; implications for the management. HSE UK Congress, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, Grande Bretagne, March 2019.

► Jean K.  Quel rôle pour les institutions de recherche dans la lutte contre le changement climatique? Quelques pistes pour une stratégie bas carbone à l’ANRS. Séminaire Les Midis de l’ANRS, Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les hépatites virales (ANRS). Paris, France.

► Jean K.  Des indicateurs épidémiologiques pour les sciences humaines et sociales ?. Séminaires MetSEM, Sciences Po – CEVIPOF. Paris, France.