Publications de 2016
Articles scientifiques
► Jean K, Donnelly CA, Ferguson NM, Garske T. A Meta-Analysis of Serological Response Associated with Yellow Fever Vaccination. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2016 Dec 7 ;95(6):1435-1439.
► Jean K, Boily MC, Danel C, Moh R, Badjé A, Desgrées-du-Loû A, Eholié S, Lert F, Dray-Spira R, Anglaret X, Ouattara E. What Level of Risk Compensation Would Offset the Preventive Effect of Early Antiretroviral Therapy ? Simulations From the TEMPRANO Trial. Am J Epidemiol. 2016 Nov 15 ;184(10):755-760.
► Nedellec V, Rabl A. Costs of Health Damage from Atmospheric Emissions of Toxic Metals : Part 2-Analysis for Mercury and Lead. Risk Anal. 2016 Nov ;36(11):2096-2104.
► Nedellec V, Rabl A. Costs of Health Damage from Atmospheric Emissions of Toxic Metals : Part 1-Methods and Results. Risk Anal. 2016 Nov ;36(11):2081-2095.
► Assab R, Temime L. The role of hand hygiene in controlling norovirus spread in nursing homes. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 9 ;16:395.
► Nedellec V, Rabl A, Dab W. Public health and chronic low chlordecone exposures in Guadeloupe ; Part 2 : Health impacts, and benefits of prevention. Environ Health. 2016 Jul 19 ;15(1):78.
► Nedellec V, Rabl A, Dab W. Public health and chronic low chlordecone exposure in Guadeloupe, Part 1 : hazards, exposure-response functions, and exposures. Environ Health. 2016 Jul 12 ;15(1):75.
► Hocine MN, Aït Bouziad K, Légeron P, Dab W, Saporta G.How to Identify and Prioritize Psychosocial Factors Impacting Stress Level. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 15 ;11(6):e0157078.
Communications dans des conférences internationales
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - 65th Annual Meeting
♦ Jean K, Ferguson NM, Van Kerkhove MD, Yactayo S, Perea W, Biey J, Shibeshi ME, Garske T. The differential impact of Yellow Fever vaccine across transmission cycles: accounting for herd immunity in the face of zoonotic transmission. 65th Annual Meeting American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH). November 13-17, 2016. Atlanta, USA. Poster
30th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference
♦ Nkam L. Lambert J, Latouche A, Bellis G, Burgel PR, Hocine MN. Dynamic prediction of death or lung transplantation for patients with cysticfibrosis using joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data . 30th annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference - NACFC. October 27-29, 2016. Orlando, Florida, États-Unis. Poster
39th European Cystic Fibrosis Society Conference
♦ Nkam L, Lambert J, Latouche A, Bellis G, Burgel PR, Hocine MN. A 3-year predictive model of French patients with cystic fibrosis. ECFS2016 - 39th European Cystic Fibrosis Society Conference. June 8-11, 2016. Basel, Switzerland. Oral. Young Investigator Award.
8ème Conférence Internationale Francophone de lutte contre le VIH et les hépatites
♦ Jean K, Niangoran S, Danel C, Moh R, Gabillard D, Ouattara E, Eholié S, Lert F, Anglaret X, Dray-Spira R, Desgrées-du-Loû A. Les conséquences sociales et comportementales de l’initiation précoce du traitement ARV en Afrique : l’étude TEMPRANO Social (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, ANRS 12239). AFRAVIH - 8ème Conf. Francophone VIH/SIDA. April 20-23, 2016. Bruxelles, Belgium. Oral
26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
♦ Nekkab N, Crépey P, Astagneau P. Modelling the spread of hospital-acquired infections in France : a comparison of patient transfer networks. ECCMID 2016 - 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. April 9-12, 2016. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Poster
Colloque Français et Européen des Jeunes Chercheurs de Mucoviscidose
♦ Nkam . et al., Prédiction de la survie à 5 ans des patients atteints de mucoviscidose en France. Colloque Français et Européen des Jeunes Chercheurs de Mucoviscidose. February 9-12, 2016. Paris, France. Oral
Conférences invitées
► Dab W. Prévention dans les branches et les entreprises : quels bénéfices ? Université de la protection sociale. Sept 2016, Brussels, Belgium.
► Jean K. Modélisation de la fièvre jaune et impact des stratégies vaccinales en Afrique. Séminaires Recherche et Pratique en Santé Publique, ISPED-Inserm 1219. Bordeaux, France.
► Jean K. Social and behavioural consequences of early ART initiation in West Africa: the TEMPRANO SOCIAL study (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, ANRS 12239). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London, UK.